A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) basically termed as a web address, it is basically a term which is used to specify location. The domain of URL is World Wide Web (WWW). It will identify or allow you to know the location of the resource connected to the web, it can be anything like Images, any files, any folders and much more.There is a specific format for URL and that is -   protocol://host name/other_information.

How we can see or find the URL

We can check the URL of a particular resource by clicking the address bar present in the web browser, where the address bar is the long bar that runs horizontally at the top of the browser.

Example of URL

Suppose after clicking on the address bar we got URL like - 




Here the URL are categorized in to different parts which define different terms. Like -

  • http -  This is known as Hypertext transfer protocol, so basically it is a protocol
  • https - It is same as before but the different is that it is a secure protocol
  • myblog.co.in - It define the name of the host
  • information_tech - It is the file name or path
So the above two link look same but here is the difference and that is about secure. The second link is about secure link whereas the first one is not a secure link.

Uses/Importance of URL in Blogging and SEO

Generally blogging is an informational website that published on WWW that is World Wide Web.Whereas SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page.

URL plays a very important role in both Blogging and SEO - 

  • We are using "title" which is used to describe the whole content of the website so that viewers can able to understand what this website is for.
  • We should not use space to separate any word because it will look so confuse. We can use "-" or underscore ("_") which will be easy for google to understand the content or the URL in a better way.
  • Using running letter will be quite beneficial than uppercase letter, as it will look so clear and able to read nicely.
  • Using keywords is advisable because it has the ability to describe the content of the website very easily. 
